Fact: apparently there are zombie epidemics in some states… retards mixing special k (the drug, NOT the cereal) and triple x (which is horse tranquilizer…) and are getting one hell of an adrenaline rush… apparently this guy was EATING this other guys face… it took the cops 5 shots to actually kill the guy… oh and another case had a guy who took in a homeless
guy and ate his heart and brain… welp… looks like the katana in the basement is gonna be put to use… (YAY HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD!)
Another fact: Don't let the last post fool you, that katana is just like… furniture so to speak, no one knows how to use it… and my dad doesn't let us touch it…
Hey I just met you! And this is crazy! But here's my RP! So join it, maybe?
A bit of a more funnier fact: I watches hotd with my dad once… he sat through all of it quietly, then when it ended, he promptly stated "your mother had boobs like that once…"
Hey I just met you! And this is crazy! But here's my RP! So join it, maybe?