Fact: I am failing at actually enjoying Teen Wolf .-. I have many reasons as to why, but it would be easier to list the reasons why I am enjoying it slightly;
Fact: I am dealing with achilles tendonitis. . . so I will be on a bit more often for a couple of days cuz I'm not supposed to do any strenuous activites. . . even if I tried it hurts. . . a lot. . . but once everything is better, I won't be on as much again! So you guys have probably got me back for at least a week ^^
Though I won't be on like for hours. . . if anything just like 30-40 minutes to an hour. . . cuz I've still got lots of other stuff to do!
. . .if you want you can go ahead and thank my stupid achilles tendon!
fact: I am thinking of making a roleplay about the children of death. they are all based on the stages of dealing with death. denial, anger, Bargaining, Grief, and acceptance.