Thanking of making an alternate reality spiderman roleplay. you can make your own character, but be a canon hero. like you make a teenager, give them a name, write their history then decide that they are that realities, for example: hobgoblin. I will be spiderman and Doc Oc as Doc Oc is my favorite spidey villain. (I like the Doc Oc from the 2nd movie, not the way they portray him in the spiderman cartoon. I think of him as a brilliant young handsome scientist who got a bad rep.)
Fact: CyberCrime Law is starting in the Philippines today.
Not being able to post, share, comment and like things in facebook suck... and you will be arrested too if you did anything that will offend the government....
it is said we have freedom of speech and they ignored it... that's pathetic... well, just complaining.. you also can't use torrent and download stuff....
"I'm not using anime as a reason to escape reality. I use it to realize more about the reality."
what happened there is failure to govern lawfully, if the American Government had done that (which they almost did) then the police force would have to arrest every one who had part in the vote.