The incident follows a more controversial episode within Second Life - the release of a program called CopyBot, which can be used to copy any in-world object. CopyBot bypasses the game's in-built copy controls, analysing network communications in order to gather the information needed to replicate an object. As some users make money by selling virtual objects within Second Life, Weber says this program could transform the economy of Second Life from being based on objects to focussing on services.
In the long run, there may be no way to guard against programs such as CopyBot, she adds. "The problem is, if you can see the object, you have to have the information in some form," she says. "A clever reverse engineer will likely always be able to grab that information."
Said By daemon
This is dumb as much as people sell gold on WoW for real money.
Said By Aron Schatz
Said By daemon
This is dumb as much as people sell gold on WoW for real money.
You have it the other way around. It is as dumb as the people who buy gold for real money on WoW. The sellers are smart.