Man, I just got this awesome new game. It's got some hard parts though, but for all you people that like good games, this is a must to get. I also hear a lot of familiar voices from different anime's in it. Such as, the main character Loharl, is the same person that does the kid in FLCL
SSolca: I thought it sucked.
Jenova: But you lack appreciation for the better games...
SSolca:.... Whatever!!!! It was like FFT, except it had corny story, lame graphics, ect. ect.
Jenova:...Tactics... was the bomb! But you probably could never beat it.
SSolca: Yes, Probably.
Jenova: This is the girl who plays throug the story, avoiding battles, and manages to stay alive until the final battle and *gasp* doesn't ever beat the game.
i've heard of this game before, yea like the kid above me said its like Final Fantasy Tactics. Its a strategy/rpg game for those of you not aware of the game. Personally i love FF tactics, but there are also those who dislike it because its not like regular FF games. So if you like FF Tactics then you should probably get that game
yup same for me, i only play rpgs if it has a good story, nothing else. Even if the gameplay is a little off and the graphics are bad, i'd still play as long as the story is good. Btw, have u ever played Tactics advance? Its pretty good, but not as good as the first one though.
ok u know wat i have never ever herd such a game with that name and i never it even exhisted i wat system is it for it sounds kinda dum and cool at the same time