AMD PR numbers misleading?

Aron Schatz
March 27, 2002
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I saw this at The Inquirer also. It seems that they got a hold of a white paper from the Aberdeen Group that labels the PR schema of the AMD chips misleading.

AMD’s methodology will not support that without becoming quaintly obsolete in another 90 days as the methodology breaks down completely over time. Bad science in the name of customer advocacy is not the approach to market that Aberdeen recommends. Aberdeen is not alone in questioning gigahertz equivalency. Close reading of the PC trade press and PC performance Web sites shows an increasing skepticism, and it would not be surprising to see the press turn surly.

There is a truth to this though, if you keep increasing the mhz rating from AMD's 66mhz increase and Intel's 100mhz, the ratio of the chips will be nuts as time and speed progresses.


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