Mountain Rescue England and Wales Adopts New Mapyx GIS Platform to Improve Response Times and Coordination

March 5, 2010

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Mountain Rescue England and Wales Adopts New Mapyx GIS Platform to Improve Response Times and Coordination

SURBITON, England, March 5, 2010--     A new technology platform is to help mountain rescue teams in
England and Wales achieve significant improvements in the time taken to plan
searches, with better coordination and reporting once a search is under way.

    The system, known as SARMAN(TM) (Search & Rescue Management
Solutions), is a modular system providing the capability to plan, coordinate
and more efficiently manage the work of Mountain Rescue England and Wales and
all other search and rescue organisations.

    Sarman Brochure:

    Peter Bell, President of Mountain Rescue England and Wales stated:
"Mapyx has worked tirelessly to fine-tune their QUO digital mapping
software to encompass the operational demands of a mountain rescue
environment and to develop its new SARMAN(TM) software. Linked to, indeed
part of, this advanced facility, they have similarly fine-tuned their
SARMAN(TM) system to operate with various communications platforms, which
will provide the integrated, on scene, partner to the Mapyx search and
rescue management applications. QUO and SARMAN(TM) software coupled with
approved hand-held devices are not, however, restricted to search and rescue
operations. This combination will, I am convinced, provide a most valuable
adjunct to safety, whatever the environment."

    Ewan Thomas, National Water Officer of MREW: "Mapyx has been
an excellent development partner for the project to provide MR teams with
class leading search planning and management software.

    The SARMAN(TM) application has been developed from first
principles to provide an incident management system that is fully integrated
into the Quo digital mapping platform.

    The powerful combination of Quo, the Mapyx tracking system and
SARMAN(TM) will make a significant contribution to search and rescue
planning and incident management in England and Wales."

    Steven Wood, Chairman of Mapyx, stated, "Following on from
MREW selecting Mapyx as "Official GIS and Mapping Partner", Mapyx elected to
develop specific search and rescue software to assist MREW in its operations.
Our new SARMAN(TM) software is our contribution to the important work of MREW
and, by working closely together with MREW, we believe that we have developed
a system that will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of all search and
rescue operations. Sarman(TM) is undergoing field testing with MREW in March
2010 and will be operational in April 2010."

    The SARMAN(TM) software has been designed in conjunction with
MREW and provides operational improvements including:

    1. Use of digital topographic maps and aerial maps at various
       scales to provide accurate ground data.
    2. Use of Mapyx Quo Professional software functionality to
       provide detailed routing and tracking information.
    3. Reduction of set-up time for establishing search parameters
       to improve planning and management resulting in increased efficiency
       and accuracy of searches.
    4. Live communication and tracking interfaces permitting better
       coordination of search teams and providing immediate feedback of
       search progress.
    5. Coordination of multiple search teams and equipment across
       multiple incidents.
    6. Automated process management tasks to provide better, faster and more
       reliable information with fast, bespoke or standardised
       reporting functionality.
    7. A modular system that can be expanded or reduced depending upon
       functionality requirements.
    8. 'Black box' recording of all planning and field operations.

    For more information, contact

    Mapyx at, phone +44(0)2089721556 or visit

    MREW can be contacted at

    Notes to Editors

    About Mapyx Limited

    Mapyx Limited, a Surbiton based company, delivers affordable digital
maps and tools to a wide range of users. Mapyx products offer value for
money, help people share their data (routes, pictures, reviews and more)
and build communities around their hobbies, clubs and associations.

    The team behind Mapyx has been involved with digital mapping applications
for government, military and commercial organisations for over two decades.
Mapyx developed its successful 'Quo' product as the essential digital mapping
software for outdoor pursuits. Mapyx Quo is free of charge, fully-functional
digital mapping software that has won numerous awards. Download a free copy
at .

    About Mountain Rescue England & Wales (MREW)

    MREW is a registered charity. Its mountain and cave rescue service in
England and Wales is provided by around 3,500 volunteers, available 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year, whatever the weather.

    Besides being called to help people who become ill or injured
on the moorlands and mountains, MREW teams frequently help the police search
semi-urban areas for missing persons. Its teams also help the ambulance
service access remote or difficult areas. MREW has provided expertise and
personnel during major civil emergencies such as the Grayrigg train crash and
the Lockerbie disaster; assisted the fire service with moorland fires in
Yorkshire and the Lake District; helped rescue people from their own homes
during extensive flooding in Gloucestershire, Carlisle and South Yorkshire;
and searched snowbound roads for stranded motorists. It has also searched for
forensic evidence and helped preserve crime scenes.

    Images accompanying this release are available to download at:

    For further information, please contact:
    Steven Wood, Mapyx Limited
    Tel: +44(0)20-8972-1556

Source: Mapyx Ltd

For further information, please contact: Steven Wood, Mapyx Limited, Tel: +44(0)20-8972-1556, Email:


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