Geforce 4 Reviews

Aron Schatz
February 6, 2002
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It doesn't really matter which GeForce4 Ti card you choose. You will always be a winner. If you can only spend $199, then take the GeForce4 Ti4200 and be merry, because it is still faster than the former performance leader GeForce3 Ti500. Speaking of which - I hope that no dealer has still got these cards in stock. GeForce3 Ti500 can now only sell at price points of $149-179. This is a steep drop considering its price as of yesterday, which was $299. Who would pay that when he can get a faster product for $100 less?

For now, the GeForce4 has been the first NVIDIA GPU in recent history to hit the market in such an impressive fashion. The GeForce3 was exciting but it offered limited performance gains; the Ti 500 gave us another performance boost but nothing too impressive. The GeForce4 however is not only improved architecturally but its raw power boost translates into some serious performance gains even today, not to mention all of the feature improvements such as accuview AA and nView multimonitor support.
Thanks AA for this spotting!


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