Bentley Announces Value-Creative Pricing for AutoPLANT

March 1, 2010

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Bentley Announces Value-Creative Pricing for AutoPLANT

Substantial Savings Are Available to Individual Practitioners Through New Bentley Passport Subscriptions

HOUSTON, March 1 -- DIGITAL PLANT Conference 2010 -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, today announced value-creative pricing for AutoPLANT, the most widely used AutoCAD-based plant design software throughout the world. Bentley also announced the online publication of its AutoPLANT Project Showcase (at, which highlights the impressive and innovative project accomplishments of AutoPLANT users. The value-creative pricing is available through two new Passport Subscriptions: the Designer for Piping Passport Subscription (AutoPLANT) and the Mechanical Engineer for Piping Passport Subscription (AutoPLANT). The software and the included learning in these subscriptions provide individual practitioners with advanced capabilities superior to those of competing AutoCAD-based products, and minimize the adoption barrier of start-up costs.

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Each Passport Subscription is priced at $3,995 annually and provides access to the full range of software, training, and content that piping designers and mechanical engineers require. Through this "professional upgrade" in software toolset and skills, individual practitioners quickly make their work more valuable. The additional value created is passed on to constituents in the form of higher-quality projects delivered in less time and at lower costs. The new Designer for Piping Passport Subscription and Mechanical Engineer for Piping Passport Subscription each include AutoPLANT Piping, AutoPLANT Equipment, Bentley OpenPlant PowerPID, ProSteel Modeler, Bentley Data Manager, ProjectWise Passport, and ProjectWise Clash Resolution Visa.

Anne-Marie Walters, Bentley global marketing director, said, "Our new Passport Subscriptions allow piping designers and mechanical engineers to employ the same world-class information modeling best practices that give larger organizations a competitive edge. This immediately advances the value of their work and opens the door to new project opportunities. Moreover, the annual cost of these subscriptions, which provide access to tens of thousands of dollars in software and training, is a fraction of the cost of competitors' proprietary systems, and also costs less than other AutoCAD-based tools -- while providing even greater capabilities for enhanced plant creation."

For additional information about Bentley's AutoPLANT plant creation software, visit To view the extraordinary Be Inspired Awards project nominees highlighted in Bentley's AutoPLANT Project Showcase, visit For additional information about Bentley's Passport Subscriptions and other subscription offerings, visit

All prices noted are for the U.S. For global pricing information, contact Bentley at

About Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 2,700 colleagues and offices in more than 45 countries, achieved in 2008 the milestone of $500 million in revenues, and, since 1995, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

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  Press Contact:
  Ron Kuhfeld
  +1 610 321 6493

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Source: Bentley Systems, Incorporated

CONTACT:  Ron Kuhfeld of Bentley Systems, Incorporated, +1-610-321-6493,

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