Intel Scales Down IDF

Aron Schatz
February 9, 2009

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Intel isn't above the economic turn down. It has canceled its Taiwan event and is cutting down the one in China.


The Intel Developer Forum in Taiwan typically takes place in October, while China IDF is in April. The IDF in the United States in September will not be affected, Intel said Monday. The Beijing IDF will be shortened to a one-day event. It is typically two days. Intel uses IDF to launch many of its products and technologies. For example, the new Core i7 chip was launched at the U.S. IDF last year. "It's the economy," said David Dickstein, an Intel spokesman. "The reaction we've gotten from exhibitors and sponsors when we told them about the scale-back in Beijing and cancellation of Taiwan, actually was overwhelmingly positive. They're saying it helps with their bottom line."

It's the economy? Really, we couldn't have guessed...



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