K/Ubuntu 7.04 Released

Aron Schatz
April 19, 2007

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Feisty has been released for download. Ubuntu: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.com/download.php


Ubuntu is the award-winning Linux distribution for the desktop, laptop, thin client and server which brings together the best of open source software every 6 months. Ubuntu 7.04 desktop edition includes a ground-breaking Windows migration assistant, excellent wireless networking support and improved multimedia support. Ubuntu 7.04 server edition adds support for hardware facilities that speed up the use of virtual machines as well as other improved hardware support, making it an excellent choice as a web, database, file and print server, the fastest growing area of Linux server use. Ubuntu's already outstanding support for thin clients is boosted with advanced print and sound support.


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