Monday Tech News

Aron Schatz
October 17, 2005
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Siebel pitches Oracle.


Oracle CEO Larry Ellison delivered a brief taped video message to Siebel customers. He, too, said Siebel's CRM applications will be the foundation for Oracle's post-merger product line. He also lauded Siebel's work at building a service-oriented infrastructure, or SOA--a flexible, standards-based application design--to underpin its applications.

Northrop and Boeing's plans for the CEV.


The Northrop/Boeing team proposes using lightweight materials for the command module to deliver twice the available interior volume Apollo astronauts had for their trips to the Moon. The new material will allow the 5.5-meter blunt body capsule to ferry as many as six passengers to the international space station and take up to four astronauts to the Moon.

Tropical Storm Wilma.


Even if the Wilma sputters out, it will present the US National Hurricane Centre with another problem – Wilma is the last of the 21 names designated for this season's tropical storms. Any more tropical storms will have to be named after Greek letters, starting with alpha, beta and gamma. This would be the first time this has happened since the naming system was introduced by the US National Weather Service in 1950.


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