Monday Morning Tech News

Aron Schatz
September 26, 2005
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I will be posting a review tonight. Also, make sure to check out the CASH PRIZES we are giving away: »

China blocks more news sources. And the US keeps shooting themselves in the foot. When China becomes a larger threat, what will we do then? The US is busy in Iraq when we should be paying attention to more important threats...


The news agency did not detail the rules, but said Internet news sites must "be directed toward serving the people and socialism and insist on correct guidance of public opinion for maintaining national and public interests." Established news media needed permission to run a news Web site, it said. New operators had to register themselves with government information offices.

Screw China. No American company should bother doing business in that country. You are helping China to become BETTER than America you stupid morons. Nice job.

Remember to get your flu shots.


But at a meeting in Malta last week Ake Ortqvist of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, reported that flu vaccination in Stockholm cut overall deaths among the elderly during the flu season by 15 to 20 per cent. "We could measure this because of Sweden's unique social security system, in which everyone has a number," he told New Scientist. All people over 65 in Stockholm county - and not just those in nursing homes as in other studies - could be followed meticulously, and differences in illness and death rates between vaccinated and non-vaccinated people measured accurately.

School district stupidly forces teaching of Intelligent Design America is so screwed up. Why can't we FOLLOW the constitution and leave RELIGION out of the school system.


The parents claim the school board violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by creating new teaching requirements at the end of 2004 that cast doubt on evolution, introduce students to ID and encourage them to read anti-evolutionary, pro-ID literature. The First Amendment prohibits teaching that is religiously motivated, or has the effect of advancing religion. The debate over ID, an idea that opponents call “camouflaged creationism”, has been raging since the publication in 1989 of a book called Of Pandas and People, which introduced the concept. The trial, known as “Kitzmiller-Dover” after one of the parents Tammy Kitzmiller, will be the first to expose ID to the scrutiny of a court.

The stupid space elevator gets its first test.


The space elevator would be anchored to an offshore sea platform near the equator in the Pacific Ocean. At the other end in space, the ribbon would be attached to a small counterweight. Mechanical "lifters" -- robotic elevator cars -- would move up and down the ribbon, carrying such items as satellites, solar power systems, and eventually people into space.


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