Wed Morning Tech News

Aron Schatz
August 17, 2005
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Google may be liable for trademark infringement.


Although Geico senior counsel Jonathan Shafner said Tuesday that the court opinion signaled that the judge wants the two sides to reach a settlement, he said he could not comment on any settlement discussions. If the parties do not settle within the 30-day period for which the judge granted a stay, trial could continue on whether Google is liable for damages if Geico's trademarks are found to be infringed from any non-Geico ads that refer to Geico and what the damages would be, Shafner said.

Predicting solar flares.


A new technique predicts with 90% accuracy which regions of the Sun will spew out flares of particles that could endanger astronauts or knock out power grids on Earth. But the method cannot yet calculate when the eruptions will occur - a crucial requirement for accurate space weather forecasting.

Youthful skin gene found.


Mice which had the gene completely switched off using a sophisticated genetic technique, suffered premature ageing. Symptoms included becoming hunchbacked, losing hair and losing weight. Loss of p63 also cut short their lives – by about 23% – compared with mice with normal p63 expression.


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