Tech Blurbs

Aron Schatz
December 18, 2004
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Let's see what's happening in the world of technology.

Apple files suit over product leaks.


"To succeed, Apple must develop innovative products and bring those products to market in advance of its competitors," the company said in its complaint. "If Apple competitors were aware of Apple's future production information, those competitors could benefit economically from that knowledge by directing their product development or marketing to frustrate Apple's plans."

Don't worry, I don't think Apple's competitors are getting that many ideas from Apple any longer.

MS has plans for Anti-Spyware software. They purchased a company that is in that business. Expect the software to be bloated and to be considered spyware itself on release.


When it announced the acquisition, Microsoft said it planned to use Giant's technology to block spyware from infecting Windows PCs. Because of its popularity, Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser is a favorite target of spyware developers.

Free iPorn for your iPod.


A Playboy representative described the download as a soft launch for services that will target a variety of portable devices capable of displaying photos. A formal launch is planned for January, but the company figured many iPod photo devices would be given out for the holidays and made the feature available now.

Microsoft's plan: Making everything buggy, then charge to fix it.


In a shift from past practice, the world's largest software manufacturer said it may charge consumers for future versions of the new protective technology, which Microsoft acquired by buying a small New York software firm. Terms of the sale of Giant Company Software Inc. weren't disclosed.

Need more storage, drop another block on that.


Rather than using typical wire prongs or plugs, the bricks are connected with a novel technology called "capacitive coupling," in which one block is mated to the next through a conductive plate. Garner displayed two different prototype couplers, one made of Mylar and the other of thin ceramic. The couplers are actually able to transmit data through the extremely thin layer of air between one brick and the next, Garner said.

More later of course.


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