Space/Science News

Aron Schatz
January 9, 2003
Tags Science

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Your daily dose of Science and Space News. I find this stuff interesting. Do you?

Gravity moves at the speed of light.


"Here it is: gravity does move at the same speed as light. Our actual figure was 1.06 times the speed of light, but we have an error of plus or minus 0.21. (...) This vindicates Einstein's instinct when formulating his general theory of relativity."

Baby stars and planets forming.


Dozens of massive stars in the Carina Nebula fry protoplanetary disks around presumed newborn stars with massive doses of ultraviolet radiation. The UV rays cook the dust by a process called photoevaporation.

Cat and mouse Asteriod. (Reported earlier, the pic is hilariously not drawn to scale)


The asteroid, known as 2002 AA29, will pass within 5.9 million kilometres (3.7 million miles) of the planet. This is the closest it has come for almost a century but is no near miss in astronomical terms.

Jet's of subatomic particles from a spiral galaxy?


The jet of material, stretching across many thousands of light-years, has been known to radio astronomers for many years. Only now, however, have they learned that the galaxy, called 0313-192, has a spiral shape like our own Milky Way.


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