Good patent filed!

Aron Schatz
October 19, 2002
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This guy has a few patents in the works describing how Palladium, the M$ answer for anti-piracy, can be used to enforce EULAs. What this guy is doing is PREVENTING this from happening! Since he will own the method, M$ can't use it!


The twist is that Green has no intention of implementing these techniques himself -- and in an interview with Wired News, declared his intention to "aggressively enforce his patents," if granted, to prevent anyone else from doing so.

Green has not disclosed the specifics of his patents. However, even without those details, Dan Burk, a professor at the University of Minnesota School of Law, says it is perfectly legal to patent any kind of automated technique, such as Amazon's One-Click patent and Priceline's reverse auction patent. Additionally, he says, "Improvements on known technologies are patentable."


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