RIAA Slammed

August 28, 2002
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Found this article by way of VIA Hardware that was put up by Slate, about the RIAA. I'm glad to see someone is trying to expose them for what they really are and I myself agree. Personally I think they should leave the P2P community alone over music swaps. I myself hate to buy an album when all I have to go on is the a portoin of a couple of songs to listen to only to find that the rest of the CD is garbage. I feel very ripped off and I have stopped buying CD's for the most part. When Napster was in it's heyday, I tended to buy a lot more CD's since I had the opportunity to listen to a whole song as well be exposed to those new artists that were trying to get a break. Guess what? I bought more CD's! Helps spur sales for something other than Britney Spears. Piracy can be a detriment as the RIAA puts it, but I believe it can also be a great help over the long term.

Hit Charade - The music industry's self-inflicted wounds

For some heated discussion over the issue check out the VIA Hardware Forum on the issue. They have an artist who weighed in on the issue. Or feel free to weigh in here in our own forums.


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