ABIT NV7-133R review

Aron Schatz
June 11, 2002
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EX reviews an Abit nForce motherboard.

ABIT made a good attempt with the ABIT NV7-133R but we believe there is still for improvement. Performance wise, there isn't much to shout about but then again, the performance isn't too shabby either as it still compared pretty well against the MSI and Gigabyte KT333 boards. The lack of more tweaking options such as 1MHz FSB increments as well as more extensive memory tweaking options would have been a welcome addition as well. The NV7-133R also lacks PC2700 support which means you're pretty much limited to running your memory at PC2100 spec. In view of all these issues, why would anybody want the ABIT NV7-133R or any other nForce motherboard for that matter?


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