Shuttle AK35GT2R review

Aron Schatz
May 17, 2002
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Hot Hardware review the AK35GT2R using the KT333 chipset.

If one thing is certain, the KT333 is a step in the right direction, but there is no reason to replace your KT266A based board just yet. While the performance shows a marked improvement, I doubt most people would feel the difference in everyday use. However, for those of you looking to make a major upgrade from something pre-KT266A, this motherboard would be a wise choice. The AK35GT2/R is a prime motherboard for those of you who more concerned with quality and performance rather than having the prettiest motherboard on the block. This is a motherboard that is all substance and nothing else, focusing on stability and performance. We've seen this board selling on the web for around $90, an excellent price for what you get. It is difficult to believe that anyone would be disappointed with the AK35GT2/R.


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