The release of Windows 8 in Two Years?

Daniel Doty
October 25, 2010
Tags OS

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It is bouncing all over the internet that Microsoft let slip the release of Windows 8. This was reported in a Dutch Microsoft blog report. And CNets Ina Fried has the report.


Indeed, Microsoft executives from Windows unit President Steven Sinofsky on down have been hesitant to say anything about the company's future Windows plans. While the desktop team has been quiet, Microsoft's server team did say last year that a major release of Windows Server was due in 2012 and server versions typically slightly lag a desktop release.

A presentation leaked in June suggests that the next version of Windows will include, among other things, an app store similar to ones offered by Apple and other mobile device makers. Apple announced this week that it will bring an app store to the Mac within 90 days.

To read the complete article, jump over to CNets article on this.



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