About Us

Aron Schatz
August 3, 2001

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Welcome to ASE Labs.

ASE Labs (»http://www.aselabs.com/) is an independent US technology based, news, Hardware/Software reviews and information website with a wide and growing audience. ASE Labs has a community of users with all types of computer skills, we don't try to limit the site to the ultra high end.

Over the years that ASE has been online, we have expanded to provide more than just hardcore computer information. Our site features everything from gaming to software. Recently, our focus has moved to consumer electronics.

Let's not forget the always expanding ASE Forums (»http://www.aseforums.com/). With members joining every single day, why aren't you in the discussion? We represent nearly every aspect of computers, games, and more.

We are always looking for people to donate hardware or games for review. If you or your company would like us to review your piece of hardware or game, send an email to reviews@aselabs.com. All review requests go to Aron Schatz only. Please do not contact any other staff directly.

For general questions, contact the site owner and head editor Aron Schatz at aronschatz@aselabs.com.

Current Staff:
Aron Schatz (aronschatz@aselabs.com) - Owner / Editor-in-Chief
Logan King (loganking@aselabs.com)- Reviewer
Steven Susman (steven@aselabs.com)- Photography Editor

Thank you for visiting!


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